Over with her first unsuccessful, horrendous relationship, Ekantika just couldn't be anymore happy being single again. Its been a tough time for her to get rid of her EX, he was clingy, neurotic and impossible to be with, and now she was finally able to flush him out of her life.
Life was back to normal again amidst all the threatening calls from unknown numbers which she knew was obviously from those drunk menacing bastards trying to suck out the peace out of her life, everything was slowly falling into place. Signing up for cupid-struck.com wasn't just a normal thing for her, it was one of her numerous impulsive decisions (which would eventually lead her to some soup as usual!).
Ekantika was always this naive little piece of sunshine who had nothing in life apart from keeping herself and the people around her happy and of course apart from studying for her exams at the 11th hour, she was pursuing LAW or rather was trying to slog through.
Back to cupid-struck.com, she would hardly ever reply to any mails from any of those "too-desperate-for-a relationship-losers", she was losing interest gradually in that sordid online dating site, well thats Ekantika she could hardly hold interest in a thing for long!!
Of those numerous "cheapskate" as she would coin them, she would reply to one or two and finally finding out that those are of the same category of kids she despises. Guys were like kids for her, according to her innumerable fundas- "Guys are like kids, they are nothing but looking for a mother to pamper them and a new toy everyday to play with (though none of the guys she was friends with would ever admit that). Her funda remained the same, after the days loafing around, she would sit, login and would try to amuse herself with those "kids".
things changed when Advay first messaged her, it was nothing but a simple hello, and after talking for a few days and "critically examining" his profile almost everyday, she thought of finally adding him up to her gmail account.
It was not supposed to be a whirlwind romance or a romance of any kind at all, he matched her frequency, he was fun to talk to, he was like her long lost twin!! They would talk almost everyday, and he would be the first one that she would look up for whenever she went online. he was a nice guy, had a penchant for books and he used to write too, it was really surprising for her to find someone like herself.
It was on diwali that she first called him, just talking normal things, about how he's gonna celebrate and all, the festival lights had ignited a pretty strong friendship..
Then started the extensive increase in both of their phone bills, they would talk for hours or text each other when not talking, whichever way they were always in constant contact. They were friends and almost becoming her first guy best friend (mind you, thats pretty rare according to her). she would tell him all the gossip in around her, all the bitching and he would do the same. Two people almost of the same personality talking all day long, it was as simple as that. starting from his tiresome torturing engineering semester practicals, to his stalking juniors, he would tell her all. she was becoming a part and parcel of his life. they lived far way from each other being in two different cities, distance never came in between their friendship. She would tell him if she got any bad calls from her ex or his friends, and he would promptly take some actions and provided her with a shoulder to cry on. She knew everything about him, he knew everything about her, there was hardly any reason to hide anything anyways.

destiny had something else in mind, amidst all those flirting, sharing things and infinite calls and messages they eventually started liking each other, and well obviously he proposed to her through a text (It was too sweet)." I have been having sleepless nights, and would continue having them till I tell you this I LOVE YOU, will you be my gal?" it read. Ekantika was shell-shocked for a moment, she had expected this sometime later but not too soon, she was in a fix, it has been just over 6 months since she had been in a relationship, and she thought it was too soon to get into one. but she liked him too, she replied him with mindless questions and her erratic excuses, "are you sure you are not drunk?" / "am too emotionally numb to get into a relationship now" / "do you want me to kick your ass?" / "I don't have much strength left in me" / "are you playing april fools' prank on me, its not even april, its december". he just said only one thing to all these statements, "I LOVE YOU, I really don't think anything else would matter", and after many 'tension-filled pacing down her room' Ekantika finally said yes to Advay.
They could make each other laugh, she could make him beg!! It was just perfect, those harmless flirting were growing serious in nature!! They would chat till their fingers pained, talked till their mouth went dry but their conversation would never be put to stop!!
She was really falling head over heels for him despite of numerous distractions starting from professor's son to her next door neighbor to the cute guy in metro she saw daily to her friend's brother. She managed to stay with him. Months passed just perfectly and Advay gave a surprise to her by visiting her on her birthday. It was all so special, flowers candles, love... and they made LOVE for the very first time... she was dead sure this relationship was surely going to last, they grew even more closer and his visits to her town became even more frequent.
They would roam around all the time, laughing, watching every damn movie, checking every food stall (well sometime that resulted in frequent visits to bathroom!!) they were the best friends who were in love, and who's friendship grew every minute, who's love grew every second.
and so grew the age old pregnancy scare, you leave two people deeply in love raging with hormones alone, that is supposed to happen. but nothing affected them (she wasn't pregnant!!). she would inspire him to write, he would coax her to study, all went well.
there were frequent fights as usual, and frequent was the sorry session and the smiles after that. He aced his campus placement job (he tried all his jokes there too, and despite of him believing he won't clear it and Ekantika's undying trust on his sense of humor and obviously on his capabilities) and temporarily shifted to her town till they called him up. they would meet up with their friends, do nonsensical chatting, disturbing people around, they were just inseparable. BUT...
one serious fight regarding yet another nonsensical thing and Ekantika snapped and told him to not to call her ever again, he was depressed, he was shattered, she was the 1st girl he ever loved and now she was gone, was she?
Ekantika was equally depressed, did she do the right thing, was it right for her to let go of that one guy she thought she would keep loving till her last breath...
she was distraught, her ego being too big to apologize to him, Advay being too tattered to call her and cry his heart out....
perhaps some stories never ends and perhaps they even fail to get a perfect ending.....
May be they'll get together, may be they won't , may be there is nothing as such as "Happy Ever After"... may be.....
but this is how it all began...
© Dipannita Saha, 2010
Life was back to normal again amidst all the threatening calls from unknown numbers which she knew was obviously from those drunk menacing bastards trying to suck out the peace out of her life, everything was slowly falling into place. Signing up for cupid-struck.com wasn't just a normal thing for her, it was one of her numerous impulsive decisions (which would eventually lead her to some soup as usual!).
Ekantika was always this naive little piece of sunshine who had nothing in life apart from keeping herself and the people around her happy and of course apart from studying for her exams at the 11th hour, she was pursuing LAW or rather was trying to slog through.
Back to cupid-struck.com, she would hardly ever reply to any mails from any of those "too-desperate-for-a relationship-losers", she was losing interest gradually in that sordid online dating site, well thats Ekantika she could hardly hold interest in a thing for long!!
Of those numerous "cheapskate" as she would coin them, she would reply to one or two and finally finding out that those are of the same category of kids she despises. Guys were like kids for her, according to her innumerable fundas- "Guys are like kids, they are nothing but looking for a mother to pamper them and a new toy everyday to play with (though none of the guys she was friends with would ever admit that). Her funda remained the same, after the days loafing around, she would sit, login and would try to amuse herself with those "kids".
things changed when Advay first messaged her, it was nothing but a simple hello, and after talking for a few days and "critically examining" his profile almost everyday, she thought of finally adding him up to her gmail account.
It was not supposed to be a whirlwind romance or a romance of any kind at all, he matched her frequency, he was fun to talk to, he was like her long lost twin!! They would talk almost everyday, and he would be the first one that she would look up for whenever she went online. he was a nice guy, had a penchant for books and he used to write too, it was really surprising for her to find someone like herself.
It was on diwali that she first called him, just talking normal things, about how he's gonna celebrate and all, the festival lights had ignited a pretty strong friendship..
Then started the extensive increase in both of their phone bills, they would talk for hours or text each other when not talking, whichever way they were always in constant contact. They were friends and almost becoming her first guy best friend (mind you, thats pretty rare according to her). she would tell him all the gossip in around her, all the bitching and he would do the same. Two people almost of the same personality talking all day long, it was as simple as that. starting from his tiresome torturing engineering semester practicals, to his stalking juniors, he would tell her all. she was becoming a part and parcel of his life. they lived far way from each other being in two different cities, distance never came in between their friendship. She would tell him if she got any bad calls from her ex or his friends, and he would promptly take some actions and provided her with a shoulder to cry on. She knew everything about him, he knew everything about her, there was hardly any reason to hide anything anyways.

destiny had something else in mind, amidst all those flirting, sharing things and infinite calls and messages they eventually started liking each other, and well obviously he proposed to her through a text (It was too sweet)." I have been having sleepless nights, and would continue having them till I tell you this I LOVE YOU, will you be my gal?" it read. Ekantika was shell-shocked for a moment, she had expected this sometime later but not too soon, she was in a fix, it has been just over 6 months since she had been in a relationship, and she thought it was too soon to get into one. but she liked him too, she replied him with mindless questions and her erratic excuses, "are you sure you are not drunk?" / "am too emotionally numb to get into a relationship now" / "do you want me to kick your ass?" / "I don't have much strength left in me" / "are you playing april fools' prank on me, its not even april, its december". he just said only one thing to all these statements, "I LOVE YOU, I really don't think anything else would matter", and after many 'tension-filled pacing down her room' Ekantika finally said yes to Advay.
They could make each other laugh, she could make him beg!! It was just perfect, those harmless flirting were growing serious in nature!! They would chat till their fingers pained, talked till their mouth went dry but their conversation would never be put to stop!!
She was really falling head over heels for him despite of numerous distractions starting from professor's son to her next door neighbor to the cute guy in metro she saw daily to her friend's brother. She managed to stay with him. Months passed just perfectly and Advay gave a surprise to her by visiting her on her birthday. It was all so special, flowers candles, love... and they made LOVE for the very first time... she was dead sure this relationship was surely going to last, they grew even more closer and his visits to her town became even more frequent.
They would roam around all the time, laughing, watching every damn movie, checking every food stall (well sometime that resulted in frequent visits to bathroom!!) they were the best friends who were in love, and who's friendship grew every minute, who's love grew every second.
and so grew the age old pregnancy scare, you leave two people deeply in love raging with hormones alone, that is supposed to happen. but nothing affected them (she wasn't pregnant!!). she would inspire him to write, he would coax her to study, all went well.
there were frequent fights as usual, and frequent was the sorry session and the smiles after that. He aced his campus placement job (he tried all his jokes there too, and despite of him believing he won't clear it and Ekantika's undying trust on his sense of humor and obviously on his capabilities) and temporarily shifted to her town till they called him up. they would meet up with their friends, do nonsensical chatting, disturbing people around, they were just inseparable. BUT...
one serious fight regarding yet another nonsensical thing and Ekantika snapped and told him to not to call her ever again, he was depressed, he was shattered, she was the 1st girl he ever loved and now she was gone, was she?
Ekantika was equally depressed, did she do the right thing, was it right for her to let go of that one guy she thought she would keep loving till her last breath...
she was distraught, her ego being too big to apologize to him, Advay being too tattered to call her and cry his heart out....
perhaps some stories never ends and perhaps they even fail to get a perfect ending.....
May be they'll get together, may be they won't , may be there is nothing as such as "Happy Ever After"... may be.....
but this is how it all began...
© Dipannita Saha, 2010
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